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Entrance to the Conservatory (pre-professional program)

and the summer intensives of

Ballet des Amériques is by audition only.

Please call Director Carole Alexis at 646-753-0457 to schedule an audition. The results of the audition will be e-mailed to you - along with our registration form and detailed registration instructions, if your child is accepted.

As part of the auditioning process, all prospective students are evaluated by the Director and faculty and assigned to the appropriate level. The age of a student may thus differ from that of other students in the same class. Although the school makes a concerted effort to keep the age ranges as narrow as possible, it is important that students be placed into the class that is most suitable to their level of ability and development so as to foster the greatest progress, artistic and technical achievement.

The registration formalities include reading the Handbook for Parents and Students together with your child, acknowledging your reading of the handbook on your registration form, and submitting the completed registration form together with your payment.

Please note that to ensure the quality of training and attention to each student total enrollment

in Ballet des Amériques will not exceed 120 students.


The exquisite training at Ballet des Amériques allows students to participate in prestigious programs at the advanced level in institutions such as, for example, the Opéra de Paris, the Juilliard, the Royal Ballet, the American Ballet Theater collegiate, Bolshoi, the Norwegian National Ballet School.

"La danse classique comprend une quarantaine de pas, mais aussi, ce qui est le plus important, une technique, c'est-à-dire un ensemble d'exercices dont l'objet est de rendre le danseur maître de tout son corps, comme le pianiste ou l'organiste, de ses doigts et de ses pieds."

Classical ballet comprises about forty steps, but also - and this is more important - a technique: in other words, a set of exercises intended to enable the dancer to gain mastery of his whole body, on a par with that of the pianist or organist over his fingers and feet.
- Léopold Sédar Senghor


All photos and/or recordings taken while participating in a Ballet des Amériques sponsored event, including classes, photo sessions, performances and/or rehearsals, are the property of Ballet des Amériques. Students or their parents/guardians are required to sign a release form waiving any rights to recorded/photographic material that is published for promotional purposes.


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